I’ve discovered a new blogger, Deliciously Ella, thanks to my friend Sura. And I just love her! Very inspiring and very healthy recipes. I recently tried her Energy Bites recipe and have fallen in love with them. Since it’s just not possible for me to not mess with a recipe (sorry Ella!) I adapted her recipe just a bit. Here’s her site http://deliciouslyella.com and her you tube channel is awesome too.
- 1 1/2 cup Raw Almonds
- 1/2 cup Pumpkin Seeds Unsalted if possible
- 2 tbsp Chia Seeds
- 2 tbsp Fresh ground Flax Seeds Very important to grid just before using
- 2 tbsp Hemp Seeds
- 1 cup MedJool dates
- 1 1/2 tbsp Raw Cacao Powder
- 2 tbsp Coconut Oil
- 1 tbsp Raw Almond Butter
- dash Sea Salt
Servings: 3 bites
- Add the almonds, pumpkin seeds, ground flax, hemp and chia seeds to the food processor and blend on high for about 2 - 3 mins. You are looking for a coarse flour. It's important to wait to grid the flax seeds till you are using them for optimum nutrition - I just use my coffee bean grinder. And if you don't grind them then you are missing out on the nutrients. Whole flax seeds just pass right through your digestive system - noting gets absorbed so what's the point?!
- Next add the dates, cacao, coconut oil, almond butter and a dash of salt (as long as you got unsalted pumpkin seeds or the ones from Trader Joe's - they are less salty) to the food processor till fully incorporated and sticky. About another 2-3 mins.
- Now the fun part! Rolling them into balls. I try to get them about an inch or so in diameter. Once you are done rolling all of them, I usually get about 20 or so bites, line wax paper between layers. Put them in the freezer for an hour, this helps them set. Then place in the fridge and I'd say they last about a week to 10 days. But really want happens is they get eaten before the week is out!
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